Project 2025 (and its auxiliary Trumpā€™s ā€œAgenda 47ā€) are a plan by right-wing extremists and other authoritarians to end Americaā€™s multiracial democracy and to replace it with a White Christian nationalist plutocracy.

A conspiracy is a plan by two or more people operating in private to advance their interests and goals above those of some other person(s) ā€” or in this context the American people. Project 2025 is not a conspiracy.Ā These plans are exhaustively detailedĀ in a book titled ā€œMandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promiseā€ and are regularly discussed at conferences, in interviews, and in other public forums. Project 2025 and its related plans, like Agenda 47, were not hatched overnight. As author and journalistĀ Anne NelsonĀ and other experts have been extensively documenting, Project 2025 and the other right-wing extremistsā€™ and neofascistsā€™ plans to end Americaā€™s multiracial democracy have been years and decades in development

    4 months ago

    She and her super Deligates and the DNC absolutely stole Bernieā€™s momentum.