Needless to say, they’re all waiting in line before the pearly gates. Saint Peter says to the first one “Now, your reward is guaranteed, but you did all make a vow of chastity, so we have to ask: did you ever do anything sexual?”

The lead nun blushes a little before saying “Well, I must admit, I did once… Look upon a man’s penis.” Saint Peter nods sagely and states “That’s fine. We have a font of holy water just here, and you need only clean your eyes to be deemed pure.”

He asks the same to the second nun, who responds “I did once touch a man’s penis.” Again, he directs her “You need only clean your hands to be deemed pure.”

Shortly, the sounds of a scuffle can be heard further back in the line. He gets up from his podium and walks towards a pair of nuns, both shoving each other. “What on earth is this about?”

“I need to go ahead of her, because if I have to gargle that water, I want to do it before she sticks her arse in it!”

    4 months ago


    This was my best attempt at throwing you a lifeline…

    Good luck sailor 🫡