Such a huge amount of TV, and especially Movies, are geared towards a neurotypical audience.

As an autistic kid growing up, the only actor I ever cared about was Brent Spiner (Data, from Star Trek). I never watched the original series as a kid, but after watching it as an adult, Data was obviously carrying on a role started by Spock, another all-time great. Maybe they both count as rare role models for ASD folks?

My favorite movie is this non-movie called Gizmo! (1977). (It’s free on youtube among other places.) It’s mostly a collection of old black and white footage of weird inventions. It definitely has neurotypical folks in mind as part of the audience, giving them lots of weird things to laugh at, but I could watch or scroll through info about random unique contraptions for days.

    2 years ago

    I can’t pick only one. I’m going to go with (1) The Insider (1999) because I’m a stickler for whistleblower/legal dramas, plus I really like Al Pacino in the 90s (minus the godfather movie we don’t talk about,) and (2) 24-Hour Party People (2002) because of its humorous and stylistic portrayal of one of my favorite musical artists and one of music television’s most eccentric figures.

    I’ll watch more or less anything within reason, except for musicals.