I’ll start with an idea of mine: users could be banned if they used an English preposition in a comment. What other ideas do you guys have?
Really stupid idea: Ban different instances every now and then (but rarely)
Less stupid ideas:
- Posts must be links to [website] (preferably unique links, automatic enforcement could be difficult)
- Posts must be to images of X by Y size
- Posts can only be made on the Nth minute of every hour (or every N minutes)
- No posts today. Go touch grass
- No rules today.
- Fuck you, the rules are secret today. Figure them out yourself
Field must contain all letters of the alphabet.
Maximum word length: <n> characters.
Field can contain any word only once.
Sentences must (/not) exceed <n> words.
Word count of every sentence must be a prime number.
Every sentence must be <n> words longer (/shorter) than the previous sentence.
Word count in every sentence must be the same as in post title.
Every sentence must contain a number.
Comment must not contain any (/must contain all) words from the post title.
Post/comment must contain an assertion of who we are at war with, this week.All of course also for comments.
And yeah, we were always at war with Eastasia … just to make sure.
These suggestions make Oceania proud. Big Brother is watching.
(My main account is still banned, and I can’t figure out how to revert it.)
(I have been tossing up whether or not to ban commenters. But that suggestion is delightfully evil.)
Banning commentors would be pretty fun, it would be cool to see rules like “No comments with a character countnot divisble by 7” or something