I was boredly looking around YouTube on this Sunday morning and in the mood to watch some bozo talk about anime, maybe get some insights, discover some obscure hidden gem and the like.

However, I found it surprisingly hard to find quality in that scene, beyond niche video-makers like Kenny Lauerdale. Thus I was wondering if you have any recommendations of some people you like making videos about anime.

  • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    12 days ago

    hazel makes a lot of cool videos - not always anime

    Colleen’s Manga Recs is pretty cool. Mostly works around josei and shojo stuff, which isn’t my typical genre, but very helpful to broaden my horizons.

    I could probably recommend more podcasts than YouTube channels, but that wasn’t the assignment lol

    Edit: fixed some autocorrect spelling errors