• Infamousblt [any]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    On one side, good riddance because porn is an extraordinarily exploitive industry and pornhub is at the forefront of that so fuck them and fuck the porn industry.

    On the other side, fuck these states because sex work is real work and this will only further hurt and alienate an already extremely marginalized group of vulnerable people.

    I don’t know which side I feel stronger about. Hexbear struggle session; commence!

    • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      3 months ago

      Afaik it’s just legislation requiring stuff like ID which leads to PornHub pulling out because they don’t want to pay operation fees, so all of the exploitative parts of the porn industry will still be there, just without anyone actually observing the products of it

      Or in other terms it’s not really good or bad, it’s just a company being cheap as usual (which is usually bad, but in this case is just meh)

      • dead [he/him]@hexbear.net
        3 months ago

        How do you say that as if it is so simple to scan the ID of every person who visits your website. First and foremost is that the US doesn’t even have an actual citizen ID system. It has a patchwork of different government programs which are meant to be different things that it uses for ID. A driver’s license is meant to say whether you can drive, it’s not supposed to be an ID. Secondly, every state has a different driver’s license design, which also doesn’t make any sense. Why doesn’t the US give people a national driver’s license?

        Thirdly how is a canadian company supposed to have the technology to scan american drivers license. In real life when you buy alcohol or cigarettes it kind of makes sense because the gas station attendant can like look the id and then the person and then shrug their shoulders. Do you want the website to also scan the face of every visitor to compare it to the ID? How can the website know that the ID is not counterfeit?

        Porn websites do not have the technology to scan government IDs for every single visitor. Logistically it is not possible. What would be needed is a third party website operated by each state government that can scan each ID and then signal the verification back to the porn website through API. Each state knows this and they don’t care because their intention is not actually requiring IDs to be scanned, it is to obstruct porn sites from existing. Also since each state is going to individually have to operate their own ID scanning service, that means each state will also be maintaining a gooner database.

        In fact, Lousiana was the first state to require porn sites to ID every visitor. You will notice that Louisiana is not colored in red on the map of the OP. That’s because Louisiana provided pornhub with the technology to scan IDs. The other states did not provide pornhub with the necessary ID scanning technology and thats why they got blocked. Louisiana is not blocked.

        • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          3 months ago


          just pay a decent amount for someone who’s actually qualified to look at the ID’s manually

          I know for a fact they can afford hundreds of people like that. They just choose not to because it costs way more money than just pulling out of a state.

          See Facebook being moderated by underpaid traumatized people for a similar real life example of a similar system. The only reason Pornhub doesn’t do something like that is because the kind of person who knows how to verify US ID’s probably can’t be turned into basically free labor because they probably cost more on average to employ

          • dead [he/him]@hexbear.net
            3 months ago

            A government ID is a proprietary information of each state. If someone showed you an ID from Montana would you know what each number and feature on the ID meant? No, you wouldn’t because IDs are a way for the government to ID a citizen and not everything known about an ID is available to the public. In order for a website to be able to scan an ID, the state needs to provide the website with the appropriate software. If you buy alcohol at the grocery store, the grocery store uses state-issued software to scan the ID.

            Texas as example passed a law which said that people are now allowed to sue pornhub for not scanning IDs and yet Texas did not give pornhub the necessary software to scan IDs. The intention was purely to manufacture a scenario for people of Texas to sue pornhub.

            In the instance of facebook, I’m not sure that facebook actually scans the id, they just store a picture of it. Do you want every porn site to store photos of every ID of every visitor. What if the website gets hacked?

            • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]@hexbear.net
              3 months ago

              are we pretending these companies don’t have the ability to just buy the creation of said software from the government? no matter the way you paint it it’s still just them being cheap. nothing more, nothing less.

              • dead [he/him]@hexbear.net
                3 months ago

                I’m not sure what you’re not understanding about “all 50 states have different proprietary ID designs”. Proprietary as in, secret, as in unknown to the public, as in you can’t just make the software yourself. As in, each of these states are intentionally hiding the information because they don’t want pornhub to be able to actually ID visitors. The answer to your question is “no”. No they can’t just pay the government for that software.

                As I said, they already worked out a system with Louisiana. Louisiana actually cooperated. The other states are not cooperating. The other states are right wing dominated states that are being obtuse on purpose.

      • Infamousblt [any]@hexbear.net
        3 months ago

        Yeah that’s generally the argument against abolition of pretty much anything in a capitalist society. Abolition just means people turn to less safe / reliable / reputable sources for the thing being abolished. Without addressing the systemic issues behind why the thing being abolished is a problem, it just makes it work. This is true for sex work or drugs or basically anything, I think.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    3 months ago

    Marrying a child is a god given right, pinko scum. But if you think I’m gonna allow adult breasts being shoved in my face, you got another thing coming. Go back to Europe!