During official proceedings of the G.O.P.-controlled chamber, speaking about former President Donald J. Trumpā€™s felony conviction has been forbidden, while disparaging President Biden and Democrats is routine.

The floor of the United States House of Representatives is supposed to be a dignified place, where lawmakers refer to each other as ā€œgentlemanā€ or ā€œgentle lady,ā€ speak only to the presiding officer, and never engage in personally disparaging remarks against rivals, an offense known as ā€œengaging in personalities.ā€

But what happens when the leader of one party is a convicted criminal whom a jury has found guilty of things that would normally be considered unmentionable on the House floor?

The history-making felony conviction of former President Donald J. Trump has raised some historic questions for the Houseā€™s rules of decorum, which have existed for centuries but can be bent to the will of whichever party controls the majority-driven chamber.

The Republicans who now hold the majority have used those rules to impose what is essentially a gag order against talking about Mr. Trumpā€™s hush-money payments to a porn actress or about the fact that he is a felon at all, notwithstanding that those assertions are no longer merely allegations but the basis of a juryā€™s guilty verdict. Doing so, they have declared, is a violation of House rules.

In short, perhaps the only place in the United States where people are barred from talking freely about Mr. Trumpā€™s crimes is the floor of what is often referred to as ā€œthe peopleā€™s House,ā€ where Republicans have gone so far as to erase one such mention from the official record.

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