They’re basically full incels who claim women are shallow and hate men below 6 foot…
and dudes ‘dick sizing’ posting selfies of their faces to each other “no I’m more handsome than you” pure incel weirdo shit
They’re basically full incels who claim women are shallow and hate men below 6 foot…
and dudes ‘dick sizing’ posting selfies of their faces to each other “no I’m more handsome than you” pure incel weirdo shit
You can’t stop people from having preferences but personally I think anyone who broadcasts a preference based on immutable physical characteristics should be seen as shallow in the same way as a dudebro who proudly proclaims that he only dates blondes or whatever.
The flip side of the “everyone has preferences” coin is that many people will interpret that as a go ahead to openly say shit like “no blacks, no Asians, no Indians” on their profiles.