I have worked for a German retail store for 2 months. I have quit in the end of May. However, today they sent me the salary for June. What should I do with the money?
Do not spend it, the employer has three years to request it back. https://www.ecclesia.blog/zu-viel-gehalt-gezahlt-welche-moeglichkeiten-hat-ein-arbeitgeber#:~:text=Eine Rückforderung ist demnach innerhalb,von drei bis sechs Monaten.
Give it to me!
I’d just call them or look at your contract. Usually you can’t quit and stop working immediately. You have a period where you have to keep working and of course you would still be paid for that period. But just talking directly with them should be the quickest and easiest way to find out what’s going on.
It got sent to you by mistake so they have several years to ask for it back. So contact them and tell them.
Big companies are big, small companies often outsource their accounting. In both cases it can take quite a while for the news that you quit to reach the person responsible for the payment.
As others said: contact them and be prepared to pay it back.
Is there a risk they can ask for it back?
Yeah, they have 3 years starting from the end of the current year. Plenty of time.
That’s what I would like to know too
They will. Be honest, contact them and sort it out. If you spend it and they ask for it back you’ll be obligated to give it back and they might take additional legal steps. Don’t take that risk.
In general, after the current year is over, they got 3 years to contact you and ask for themoney back.
If you have moved in the meantime or there’s other legit reasons they can’t contact you within this time, the deadline gets extended by the legal procedures I am unaware off.
Basically, they can also sue you over their costs of finding your new address and prying the money out of your cold hands.