• renzev@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Oh man are we sharing mpd scripts? I have this one that lets me search through music directory and add anything to the play queue (so I can add a single track or an entire album or whatever):

    MUSIC_DIR=$(grep -m 1 -E '^\s*music_directory\s+' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpd/mpd.conf" | awk '{printf $2}' | tr -d \" | tr -d \')
    cd "$MUSIC_DIR"
    CHOICE="$(find . | cut -c 3- | dmenu)" || exit 1;
    mpc insert "$CHOICE"
    mpc play

    There’s also this one that lets me save the currently playing song to a playlist of my choice. It’s good if I’m listening to a new album or a new artist and suddenly think “yeah, this song really fits with the mood of X playlist”:

    MUSIC_DIR=$(grep -m 1 -E '^\s*playlist_directory\s+' "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpd/mpd.conf" | awk '{printf $2}' | tr -d \" | tr -d \')
    choice="$(mpc lsplaylists | dmenu)" || { echo "No choice." ; exit 1; }
    mpc current -f '%file%' >> "$MUSIC_DIR/$choice.m3u"

    Here’s my script to shuffle play an existing playlist as well:

    choice="$(mpc lsplaylists | dmenu)"
    mpc clear
    sleep 0.1
    mpc load "$choice"
    sleep 0.1
    mpc shuffle
    sleep 0.1
    mpc play

    The sleeps are to prevent Cantata (graphical mpd client) from shitting itself if I run this script while it’s open. Also notice mpc shuffle instead of mpc random on. It shuffles the current playlist, but keeps the linear play order, so that I can add songs to play right after the current one.

    • JetpackJackson@feddit.de
      4 months ago

      Oooh those are nice! I’ll have to try mpc shuffle out then, and even though I generate my playlists with beets, I’ll definitely try out the save to playlist one!