And because I know I fucking suck at holding onto money, I’m having a trusted adult (who isn’t my dealer) hold onto the money for me—when you DM me for payment info, I’ll direct you to their CashApp, etc., and if you send to me directly I’ll pass it along to them for safekeeping.

The least I can expect to pay for a decent used vehicle is $1,000, if I’m lucky. Prospects are better in the $1,500-$2K range.

Registration and DEQ I’m not terribly worried about because I’m gonna try to find a vehicle with good tags and that’s passed DEQ, since I don’t really know how to do those things and I know I’ll fuck them off somehow. Insurance however will probably cost a couple hundred for X months.

I’m going to set up a GoFundMe if it seems like I should even bother, because I’d be lying if I made it sound like I had any confidence at all.

So yeah, DM me for payment info.