Hi there. My guide is currently hosted at survival.aesistril.com. I wrote some stuff but it’s really hard to write every guide by myself.

My goal is to create a easy to follow guides for the average joe and compile every other guide into one web page. I want to be able to link this whenever a relative or a friend asks me how to get rid of x

Name and URL suggestions (under .aesistril.com subdomain) are welcome. I am currently using open source hardware icon because it looks cool

I am using the CGA color palette and I would appreciate if you don’t use any other colors. Not a strict restriction though

Source code is here on GitHub. Pull requests, markdown guides, docx, txt, every type of contribution or constructive criticism is appreciated

  • Persen@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Well, living without proprietary hardware, firmware and sometimes even software is really hard to achieve. You have to use specific hardware which is often very expensive. You’re probably fine with mostly foss software and proprietary hardware. If you want some fancy hardware (i ve recently looked into a garmin watch(which is still not terrible for privacy)), you also need proprietary apps, which isn’t great, but you don’t actually have an alternative.