Personally, Gaza and his anti-railway workers union action was enough to destroy any credibility he had so far.

  • Egon [they/them]
    8 months ago

    You have me on several points.

    You say this and then you go on to repeat the same arguments and ignore the “several points” I’ve made. Your attempt at rhetorics is poorly done.

    The logic behind not voting is the same as the idiots who vote third party every presidential election, and then skip all the local elections. This is not the one you throw your vote away on.

    You are repeating yourself and not addressing the arguments put forth about lesser-evilism.
    Also the vote isn’t wasted, you just need to vote for them too. Tell your friends to vote for PSL and we might be able to beat Trump! (Since you’re denser than a brick golem in a tungsten mine: I’m being facetious)

    And I’m not invoking identity politics.

    You’re trying to use queer people and POC as a cudgel to hide behind, despite the fact that the only people who can consider themselves safe in Bidens America are straight white conservative men. You are invoking identity politics.

    I’ m literally saying what the right has said they want to do, and saying that even if you don’t think you’ll be impacted, you’re wrong.

    I am already impacted by Bidens America.

    Your statement about Biden needs support.

    Which one? I make a lot of statements.

    And Democracy is at stake. Biden is a doddering old fool and the Democratic Party are a bunch of shills captive to their corporate donors.

    I don’t disagree that whatever semblance of democracy the US has left is at stake. I just believe both candidates will destroy it.

    But I’m still not going to be a party to facilitating the greater evil! What kind of stupidity is that?

    They’re equally evil, which is the point several people have been trying to hammer into your dense skull. Biden has expanded several of Trumps policies, done nothing to roll back the harmful ones, ignored all the bs that isn’t being actively perpetrated by himself, attempted to provoke a war with China, perpetrated a genocide in Palestine, crushed strikes, done fuck all about the climate, given more money to cops, done fuck all to stop or reverse the overturning of Roe v Wade - which was the main argument we should vote for him last time - and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
    Sure democracy is at stake or whatever, but Biden won’t save it and according to himself, its not that dire: “I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the good job as I know I can do; that’s what this is about.”
    Again you fail to engage with the argument you’ve been presented. You are actively facilitating the greater evil by perpetuating this “lesser evilism”. You are now legitimising genocide. Of course we shouldn’t care because you’re not the one at risk right now 👍

    How powerful do you think you will be when the power to make ‘the rules’ is handed over to folks without any scruples?

    Considering the fact that I already think they’ve been handed over to folks like that? Indifferent. At least people like you gave a shit when Trump had cops beat the shit out of protesters, or took away women’s bodily autonomy, or did harmful stuff to the climate, or put migrants in cages, or did needless foreign aggression.
    It sounds like Joe Biden should really do something about this Trump guy. Wild its only now trump is jumping in to the picture, wish we’d had several years to deal with him. Oh well.


    Gasp. Wheeze. Kerplunk.

    It doesn’t matter anyway. The ruling that granted that power has been kicked to a lower court for additional rulings. After that it bounces to the Supreme Court in October, and they will wait until after the election to issue their opinion.

    Wow, did the parliamentarian do this? Or was it Manchin or Sinema this time? Oh bother this poor Biden just can’t catch a break, he’s just a smol bean, completely powerless! Of course he needs to be in power or big scary meanie trump will get in, and then he will use the presidential powers (that Biden can’t) to become dictator! Poor Biden can’t do anything! Especially not about the supreme court! What is he going to do? There’s literally no precedent for presidents dealing with a supreme court they disagree with!

    and people here will mock people like me, and say “Well, they were just freaking out for no reason, democracy prevailed!” Which is great and funny for you all until it fucking doesn’t.

    Democracy is dead already buddy, we’ve been trying to tell you for a while. And we won’t tell you that, we’ll just send you a picture of a pig with shit on its testicles.

    like this


    And also - vote absentee if you can. Don’t ‘waste’ your afternoon. And if you live in some bumfuck backwater that discourages voter participation, then you have extra reason to fucking vote.

    Only if I vote for your guy though! Or it’s wasted! Just this once though! Just this once, don’t be stupid and waste your vote on someone who represents you, waste it on Joe Biden so libs like you can live without fear while the rest of us get beat to shit.
    Also only do it if you live in a swing state! Otherwise it’s pointless!

    You did a shit job at engaging with any argument I presented, you just repeated yourself. Cum and also blocked