Personally, Gaza and his anti-railway workers union action was enough to destroy any credibility he had so far.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    8 个月前

    It’s not the action, but the goal. The actions you describe are indefensible, but the goal of those actions is not societal destabilization.

    Wtf is this gibberish? The ACTIONS are the causal factors leading to “societal destabilization”, are you saying the genocide and taking on board Trump’s immigration policy is fine in the long run because the intentions or “goals” are good? Wtf are you talking about you disgusting little shit?

    I don’t like for anyone to know who I am, but my face and my name is on my city’s YouTube channel dressing down my entire city council for inaction over a ceasefire resolution - which they then fucking passed. A Palestine flag has been flying outside my house for months. Go read my comment history. Between the hilarious stories of personal tragedy, you’ll find an unwavering position.

    You’re a piss poor liar and a fraud, a fake-ass reddit clown, all that nonsense chest-thumping is rendered meaningless the minute you accept the conditions of the DNC, if the beginning of any statement implies or begins with “Yes Joe Biden committed genocide…BUT” then that explicitly defines genocide as conditional and open to negotiation, the absolute definition of a wavering position

    Not only have you DONE NOTHING, but you’ve explicitly endorsed genocide, YOU helped normalize it and no amount of post facto bargaining is gonna wash the blood off your hands fool

    You have no credibility with your generalizations

    lmao you dumb fuck that’s the best you got? “Boo hoo”??? you’re crying about how we need to normalize genocide while sitting there pretending like Joe Brandon has any chance of victory after June 27th and you want to talk about credibility? You’re so blinded and twisted up by political resentment you don’t even realize your political cohort is in the middle of a civil war to oust the rotten lich you elevated as a figure of praxis activism

    Wake the fuck up, stop trying to “own the tankies” for five seconds and go watch some mainstream coverage, maybe then the gears in your capitulationist skull will finally figure out you’ve just been a rube for a political class who doesn’t give a fuck about your morally compromised ass

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        8 个月前

        I believe it will be a piecemeal disassembly of everything that isn’t whatever their cultural ideal is. Slow, systemic, and not at a pace where any one group can incense the rest into fighting for them.

        It’s genuinely incredible that you can’t recognize you’re talking about yourself here, YOU are part of a political cohort that is attempting to normalize and justify genocide in the name of fuckin harm reduction, willfully ignorant of the fact the Biden admin has played an accelerationist role in US and international politics; record deportations, record police funding, RICO prosecutions of leftist activists, oil and carbon expansion, wars, genocide. These aren’t abstract concepts, these are objective facts and there is no way to triangulate around them, because the perpetrators don’t even care enough to try, they instead rely on capitulationists like you to cheerlead and sanitize horrors we can all see plain as day

        Today it’s Palestine, tomorrow who’s it gonna be, hmm? What’s groups are eligible in your vaunted view for sacrificial duty to preserve this “flawed (mostly pretend) democracy”, how many groups need to be put on the chopping block before your self-centered weepy ass realizes you’re already goose-stepping with the fascists, how many times are you gonna die coward?

        You know what really disgusts me about you scumbags, it’s the utter lack of courage or even rudimentary conviction, you people make a virtue of moral cowardice, forsaking solidarity in the name of illusionary political advantage, proudly proclaiming your willingness to push others in front of danger while hilariously labeling yourselves “realists” despite the fact the elites you worship laugh in your faces (Biden: “As long as I know I did my best, I’m happy”)

        You’re a worthless lotus eater with no beliefs or politics, piss off PIGPOOPBALLS