• dustyData@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I’ve read that it is truth that most of the experiences that neurodivergent people have are things that might happen on occasion to neurotypical people. The difference lies on the frequency and intensity of the adverse effects.

    Like, this can happen to anyone, the conversation doesn’t go as expected, you adapt, a bit distressed but otherwise fine. But for a neurodivergent person it could be, the conversation doesn’t go as expected, they panic and freeze, stop talking, dissociate from the situation, suddenly start hyperventilating, the other person starts to worry you might pass out. Just to give one example, that’s the difference.

    Another one, an anxious person might plan and rehearse every single conversation. A neurotypical person just goes through life but they might over analyze and rehearse the most stressful and significant conversations. Both are doing it but one is doing it so frequently that is mentally exhausting and crippling their social life. The other is doing it in response to high stress only.