My hometown’s newspaper just published an opinion piece about the disastrous effects, ecologically and financially, that lawn care causes. Not totally surprising but it’s important to note that this is a retirement community in the bible belt!
Y’all, it’s working! Keep spreading the word!
My town has been doing the same and there’s even a program where they will come rip out your lawn and replace it with some kind of wood chip stuff. The town’s main water supply is a lake just downhill from our little mountain so they take it pretty seriously. I hate lawn care so I’ve considered it, but haven’t actually taken action on it yet. But I just might. I hate hate hate mowing.
ELI5, why is lawn care/mowing bad? I know monoculture grass is iffy, but why are wood chips better than grass?
Not really sure, something about nitrogen runoff maybe? I don’t really recall, but I have the memory of a goldfish so I could be way off.