It has certainly met my expectations. While I’m not super stoked about the money store, I see no reason to be threatened by it, it exists for those that buy from it and otherwise I will continue ignoring it

Story has been great so far, I’m no where near the end and my power fantasy has been well met as a primarily bone Necro.

    1 year ago

    I really like it so far. 51 bone necro myself. starting to feel a bit lost now but still having fun. I think there is still plenty of thing I don’t get yet. Agree on the store.

    1 year ago

    I think I would rate it as a 3.5 of 5 right now. It looks great and combat plays really fluid, and your character looks great! There are a number of issues underpinning it that together make me not as invested as I was with Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. I’m not super hungry for spare time to play Diablo 4 but I think it’s “fine”.

    However, I think Blizzard will have some nice updates to come because my problems with the game is echoed by so many others, like itemization, skill and build variety and high-level end game progression. In these regards, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re looking at a vastly updated game already by autumn.

    So that’s why I’m happy that the core of Diablo 4 looks and feels good because that’d be harder to fix than the spreadsheet-like data.

    1 year ago

    Having a great time so far. It’s definitely in a much better state then D3 was at launch, or even a while after. And the amount and quality of content is way beyond D2.

    Biggest thing in watching blue is how they update the game going forward. If they can keep building on and improving the game, then I think I’ll be enjoying this game for quite a while.

    1 year ago

    I‘m having fun after levelling a sorc to 37, ditching (or pausing) her and now playing a Barb. Sorc was WAY faster in progression…

    I’m missing some visual diversity, like someone else mentioned. Maybe I’m nostalgic but I digged the different environments in Diablo 2. Sure there is a dessert in d4 also for example, but it does not relay feel that way to be in a different place. Especially since you can teleport to your liking and now as I have a horse im breezing through the environment.

    Also the story (I’m near the end of act 3) didn’t get on going before act3. I accidentally made a mission of 3 in my early 20s which was weird. I really miss - as mentions before - that you can „finish“ an act, get your epic cutscene and do your next thing. Here there is so much in engine that sometimes looks even just dumb when your char rotates from left to right to „talk“ to a person.

    Also, I’m missing some variety in dungeons. They are all not that unique it seems. More like „we have a plague theme, a beastman theme, a Palast theme, a ice theme and a castle theme: have fun with the dungeons“

    I’m missing like finding the monastery in d2 in beeing like „oh boy something happening after I have wandered the wood and slain baddies!“

    But aside from that I’m having so much fun. Playing on console ist so easy and it feels like your skills are really packing a punch.