• digredior@lemmynsfw.com
    3 months ago

    Second, they need to strip out anything not related to climate change.

    Then it goes nowhere. It’s just more political posturing. Absolutely 100% entirely dead in the water. The Senate and House are both so split down the middle by both parties, it’ll require bipartisan support. It necessarily will have to have riders associated, otherwise it won’t receive the support it needs.

    Yes… this is exactly how wasteful legislation gets passed, but it’s entirely outside the realm of possibility in the real world

    • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Your argument is based on the premise that the GOP will negotiate in anything even remotely close to good faith. Any rider they introduce will have exactly zero to do with good faith ideas for their constituents and will be 100% based on introducing poison pills to the bill that they know the left will never, ever accept, solely for the intent of killing the bill before it even gains significant traction.

      And on the off-chance they do get their riders inserted into the bill, then they’ll vote for itHAHAHAHA i couldn’t even finish typing that. Of course they’ll never vote for it anyway. They’ll use the riders that they introduced into the bill as examples of wasteful spending, and then they’ll vote it down anyway. That’s how they kill Democrat bills. That’s how we got the heavily watered down ACA instead of universal healthcare on par with the rest of the developed world. That’s how the GOP works. They promise their support by introducing poison pills that they know will force some democrats to withdraw support. And then once that happens, they vote against the bill anyway because fuck you that’s why. These people have fillibustered their own bills, remember?