For me, I really want to get into niri, but the lack of XWayland support scares me (I know there’s solutions, but I don’t understand them yet).

Also, I stopped using Emacs (even though I love its design and philosophy with my whole heart) because it’s very slow, even as a daemon.

  • jimitsoni18
    7 months ago

    Same, niri. Want to move away from hyprland for so long. Also Emacs but I don’t want to spend months configuring.

    Also a foss android distro, but I can’t find one for this phone.

    there are also lots of other things like common lisp, Redox OS, cosmic desktop, trying to make my own compositor, rope science, activity pub, webtransport, bevy, ecs, and much more.

    Edit: Hey, I finally installed niri and everything works!!!