So , we all know that our boy wolf is a short little twink who can make the god of his world CRY . But what Is the reason for him to be such a short king? I figured out some reasons for it and here’s my take :1- he’s not being feed well , he’s not malnourished which is why he doesn’t have the protein and stuff to make him grow . Some of you probably don’t know this but he was abused HEAVILY as a kid , he thought eating rice raw was normal and thinks that cooked rice balls are a delicacy .2- owl probably gave him raw rice for him to eat , he expected that his Chad son would know how to cook it lol OR he knew that wolf doesn’t know how to cook so he made him eat it raw cuz he had experienced through it which is why he wanted wolf to do so too , so when he gets malnourished when he Gets older he will get as large as his old pa .3- if you didn’t know when you’re not malnourished as a kid , and get malnourished and eat well when you’re older , you’ll get MASSIVELY large like really really large , which is probably why Isshin is Tall asf , his clan suffered greatly under the influence of the ministry, only when they freed themselves from them when they could sleep with a full stomach peacefully, Probably also the reason why Gen-chan is huge asf , he was once from a poor family, his mom died so he probably was not malnourished too , only when Isshin adopted him is when he got to eat healthy .4- wolf also seems to be very skinny when you wear the tengu outfit , which confirms my take .5- him currently getting malnourished and eating healthy at his age would probably make him as tall as owl if not as tall as Isshin .If you think there are other similar things to say about this then feel free to say so , cuz I forgot some of my takes cuz I’m a dumbass .

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