President also says presidential immunity for crimes should be removed and ethics rules for justices should be stricter

Joe Biden has called for a series of reforms to theĀ US Supreme Court, including the introduction of term limits for justices and a constitutional amendment to remove immunity for crimes committed by a president while in office.

In an op-ed published on Monday morning, the president saidĀ justices should be limited to a maximum of 18 yearsā€™ service on the court rather than the current lifetime appointment, and also said ethics rules should be strengthened to regulate justicesā€™ behavior.

The call for reform comes after the supreme courtĀ ruled in early JulyĀ that former presidents have some degree of immunity from prosecution, a decision that served as a major victory for Donald Trump amid his legal travails.

ā€œThis nation was founded on a simple yet profound principle:Ā No one is above the law. Not the president of the United States. Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States,ā€ Biden wrote.