ModRetro, known for their innovative FPGA-based device, the Chromatic, has unveiled an exciting new venture with ‘Chromatic Tetris’. This version of the beloved puzzle game is set to be bundled with their upcoming handheld console and promises to redefine competitive Tetris gameplay.

Key Points:

  • New Competitive Handheld Tetris: The Chromatic Tetris aims to offer a new level of competition through its unique features developed in collaboration with The Tetris Company to ensure it adheres strictly to the brand’s guidelines.
  • Play-tested by Pros: During development, the game was tested extensively by top Tetris players worldwide, ensuring an immersive and finely tuned experience.
  • Special Gameplay Options: The release includes special gameplay options that blend classic competition modes with modern gaming elements, promising a unique Tetris experience for gamers of all skill levels.

High Expectations from ModRetro CEO ModRetro’s CEO, Torin Herndon, has high hopes for Chromatic Tetris. He envisions it not only boosting sales but also establishing itself as a benchmark in the competitive Tetris scene decades down the line.

What do you think about Chromatic Tetris’s role in reviving competitive Tetris on a modern device?