Though many many shipments we have tested and pretty well solved the base mechanics of the Shipping in Settlers of Kalguur - here’s how to get the rewards you want and to scale the currency and loot you get back from your shipments!

Cheetsheat and notes:

UPDATES: Port level may play a role in determining a minimum level for favored requests. Based on Steelmage not doing any fulfillments and then going from port 1 to 11 in one go and then first refreshing updating to a large request size. Looks like a built in catch up mechanic for juicers, makes sense so they aren’t stuck doing tiny shipments for days to catch up. I wonder if there is a upper limit to trade value of requests based on your port level?


0:00 - Intro
0:37 - Rewards Cheetsheet
2:11 - Runes & Tattoos
3:16 - Favored Resources Requests
4:11 - Bonus Unique Items
4:50 - Favored Resource Loot Multiplier
6:41 - Port “Leveling” System
8:18 - How to Refresh Ports
8:41 - Just Focusing Fulfilments Can Be Rewarding
10:06 - Some Additional Favored Testing
11:00 - Getting the Most Out of Your Shipments
11:58 - Rewards Scale in Quality Not Just Quantity
12:54 - Port Distance
13:24 - Does Shipment Value DO Anything?
16:33 - Strategy Theories - Beginner
17:37 - Strategy Theories - JUICER
18:32 - Strategy Theories - The “Busy Dad” Strat
20:10 - Outro