Get fidel’s picture off your profile dipshit, he would gat your ass

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 months ago

    @[email protected] this is being misread right? You’re opposing the stupid concept that the bourgeoisie are promoting transness (when they are clearly massively funding the hate machine). Right?

    Because this is stupid as shit if it’s the other way around. It’s very clear that any trans support that did occur was simply part of trans falling under the lgbt movement, and that support for lgbt people occurs because pinkwashing is a useful tool of framing the west as “moral” for the purposes of imperialism. This does not make lgbt people (gay or trans) invalid and it is stupid as shit to take that position.

    The bourgeoisie’s support for lgbt people is as sincere as Israel’s support for lgbt palestinians and only someone with eyes blinded by unexamined bigotry chooses not to see that.