The waverider, the other water themed frame, beaten by a random Grineer henchman in her own lore entry - Yareli!

Release date: 2021-07-06

Passive: Everflowing with the seas, whenever Yareli moves for at least 1.5 seconds, she gains the Critical Flow buff that increases Critical Chance on her secondary Weapon by 200%.
Sea Snares - Form three water globules that seek out enemies and expand on contact, simultaneously damaging and immobilizing their victims.
Merulina - Summon Merulina, a rideable creature of the waves, and the inspiration for K-Driving. Merulina protects Yareli by absorbing a large portion of incoming damage.
Aquablades - Tear through foes with a trio of orbiting aquatic blades.
Riptide - Drag enemies into a crushing maelstrom and then blow them away in a watery burst. Each enemy trapped in the vortex increases the burst’s Damage.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is acquired by completing The Waverider quest. Component blueprints are acquired through Research inside the Ventkids’ Bash Lab within the Clan Dojo.

    7 months ago

    Yareli my beloved. The frame that got me super into Warframe after dabbling casually on and off since 2015.

    Along with Zephyr, I’d say she has a pretty safe shot at being the best Secondary Surge abuser, which has all kinds of monsters like the Lex, Grimoire, Epitaph, Gammacor, Tenet Plinx, Zylok Prime… and hopefully the Catchmoon once they unbug Cannonade on it :^) #MoonMeta #BringingItBack

    More in-depth comments from an enthusiast of Warframe’s bestest mollusc frame (Hydroids don’t @ me):

    Sea Snares applies Damage Vulnerability, which applies at both steps of status calculations, meaning Yareli has some fantastic Blast setups. Unfortunately, as Sea Snares do not reliably target into Riptide, you would have to prepare Snares before Riptide; but honestly shooting a radial or punchthrough Blast into a Riptide kills everything anyway.

    Merulina is Merulina, not much more to say. Pablo finally capitulated and let us play on foot… but a small part of me is a bit sad. Loyal Merulina opens highly accessible shield gating options such as Primed Redirection + Pillage or Condemn, and more reliable health tanking options such as massively stacking EHP Azures and Eclipse. (Or I guess Null Star if you want to nuke your range and run double augments?)

    Aquablades is the most disposable ability for a helminth slot, although it can deal fair slash ticks with Surging Blades. Surging Blades was bugged for ages from release and didn’t accrue damage on enemies in Riptide, so I never used it extensively. I also think that Slash is generally a weaker value proposition after the Jade Shadows armour cap, given Yareli’s easy access to massive Heat and Electric dots through their respective primed element mods. On the flipside, this is crazy powerful for new players who pick up Yareli as a dojo frame for clearing the star chart.

    Riptide, boy, what a journey this ult has been on. Will suction enemies over a decent range and leave a small persistent hazard. The suction range shrinks down rapidly, which can leave enemies behind if they get caught on things. Hold-casting for an instant detonation will knock down enemies in a wide radius. Fantastic for blocking a choke point in a tile’s navmesh and shooting radial status effects into. Still quite functional as a nuke, and moreso now that we have Precision Intensify to play with. Loyal Merulina hugely facilitates this playstyle by making it easier to use armour strip helminths.

      7 months ago

      I was so excited when I realized I could equip cannonade, then confused when it didn’t seem to working in mission, then sad when I realized it unequipped itself