Happy belated father’s day, from someone who is glad you made this comment. I appreciate you highlighting this issue, because this is something that is sorely lacking in progressive discourse; it’s getting better, I think, but that is likely due to people like you helping people like me to understand how caring fathers are usually not respected or appreciated by the world. (Edit: like you say, “appreciation” towards fathers is usually limited to financial support, which completely ignores the vast majority of what it means to be a father (and also marginalises full-time dads whose partner is the working parent))
Happy belated father’s day, from someone who is glad you made this comment. I appreciate you highlighting this issue, because this is something that is sorely lacking in progressive discourse; it’s getting better, I think, but that is likely due to people like you helping people like me to understand how caring fathers are usually not respected or appreciated by the world. (Edit: like you say, “appreciation” towards fathers is usually limited to financial support, which completely ignores the vast majority of what it means to be a father (and also marginalises full-time dads whose partner is the working parent))