I’m physically unable to keep up maintenance on a home and the land around it. Landlords do have a place in society, in my opinion
You might be physically unable, but you’re not monetarily unable. Most landlords just pay someone to do it with the money you gave them.
Whatever you are paying in rent is enough to cover the costs of that property and then pay for your landlord’s own lifestyle on top. You are being robbed.
It’s pretty straightforward math. A landlord’s income is necessarily the cost of maintenance of a property plus some extra as profit. Otherwise they’re losing money and therefore wouldn’t be a landlord. But since their income is the rent you pay, you are therefore paying for everything plus their own cost of living.
Correct. I’m paying him to take care of everything so I don’t have to do it. Lawn. Plumbing. Damages. That’s all one person for me. I’m paying that one person to take care of all of those things so I don’t have to. And the price never changes.
Dude. Stop.
You might be able to pay for emergencys. I cannot.
I’m done talking to you about this. Stop replying to every comment I’ve made with the same ignorant comments please.
Lawn. Plumbing. Damages. That’s all one person for me. I’m paying that one person to take care of all of those things so I don’t have to.
No, you’re paying that person to then pay other people to take care of those things. If you tell me your landlord handles the lawn, plumbing, all repairs, etc, I’ll just call you a liar.
What. Why would you call me a lier lol. My landlord handles all of that. That’s why I’m renting. That is the reason to rent. Otherwise I’d own a home and have to do all of that myself.
Landlords by and large also dont keep up on maintenence. If and when maintence is done, its usually by someone else who isn’t them. They don’t personally provide anything, and yet take 1/3 to half if not more of working peoples income, which is the problem we have with them.
That’s cool if the people you’ve rented from are different. I’m not saying that in a person to person, individual basis they are all bad people or anything, but as a class it needs to end
Oh for sure, as a class I agree with you.
Idk like anything you just have to be diligent I guess. I’ve been able to have have a positive outcome in my situation. But that’s me, and obviously not every one can be that lucky.
I don’t want to deal with hiring anyone to do anything. I pay my landlord to do all of that. That’s worth it to me.
For example, when I moved in the fridge died about a year in. I told my landlord and he sent me the name and number of a repair place. I told him that’s nice, but it’s not my fridge and I’m not going to call anyone for it. That’s his job. That’s why I’m paying him. That’s why I’m calling him.
I’ve got other things to do. He owns it, he deals with it.
Sorry, unfortunately I live in the real world and don’t have an extra few hundred laying around for an unexpected new fridge. And no, owning my own home would not give me that extra money. Because, again, I live in the real world.
What real world exists where paying a massive % of your income to a landlord is cheaper than doing those things yourself???
Getting a fridge fixed is a fraction of what rents cost basically everywhere anymore. i could get a really nice new fridge for less than my monthly rent.
And remember they tried to pawn it off on you in the first place. They’re parasites. They need to go. Que the quote about the Maoist uprisings against the landlords.
We should get rid of landlords. Just a quick thought. Spitballing here, I dunno. Could be good, could be bad, who knows?
But what about all the housing they provide?
I dunno I haven’t really thought it through yet but maybe like…what if we had some sort of system that gave everyone a home?
Just spitballing.
Hmmm i think i would like to read your manifesto
What are you, some sort of hexbear wacko??
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You might be physically unable, but you’re not monetarily unable. Most landlords just pay someone to do it with the money you gave them.
Whatever you are paying in rent is enough to cover the costs of that property and then pay for your landlord’s own lifestyle on top. You are being robbed.
Oh trust me, I am definitely monetarily unable to.
It’s pretty straightforward math. A landlord’s income is necessarily the cost of maintenance of a property plus some extra as profit. Otherwise they’re losing money and therefore wouldn’t be a landlord. But since their income is the rent you pay, you are therefore paying for everything plus their own cost of living.
Correct. I’m paying him to take care of everything so I don’t have to do it. Lawn. Plumbing. Damages. That’s all one person for me. I’m paying that one person to take care of all of those things so I don’t have to. And the price never changes.
See what I mean?
But he’s charging you more than what all those things cost combined
Dude. Stop.
You might be able to pay for emergencys. I cannot.
I’m done talking to you about this. Stop replying to every comment I’ve made with the same ignorant comments please.
We’re cool. But please just don’t be ignorant.
No, you’re paying that person to then pay other people to take care of those things. If you tell me your landlord handles the lawn, plumbing, all repairs, etc, I’ll just call you a liar.
What. Why would you call me a lier lol. My landlord handles all of that. That’s why I’m renting. That is the reason to rent. Otherwise I’d own a home and have to do all of that myself.
Housing in the ussr used to cost like 5-10% of monthly income. The state can certainly regulate housing if not outright provide it.
Oh absolutely. But Investors make money off of it, so “what can we do?” Gotta protect the people on wall street that don’t do anything.
Housing co-ops can very well be a thing and in rare cases they are. Rent would also be cheaper that way all considered.
I hear that.
They’re definitely not anywhere near my city though.
Landlords by and large also dont keep up on maintenence. If and when maintence is done, its usually by someone else who isn’t them. They don’t personally provide anything, and yet take 1/3 to half if not more of working peoples income, which is the problem we have with them.
That’s cool if the people you’ve rented from are different. I’m not saying that in a person to person, individual basis they are all bad people or anything, but as a class it needs to end
Oh for sure, as a class I agree with you.
Idk like anything you just have to be diligent I guess. I’ve been able to have have a positive outcome in my situation. But that’s me, and obviously not every one can be that lucky.
I don’t agree with that. Unless you want to give me money every time something happens to my home.
But you would save money if a landlord wasn’t leeching it from you because of your basuc human need for shelter
No I would not.
Does insurance count?
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I don’t want to deal with hiring anyone to do anything. I pay my landlord to do all of that. That’s worth it to me.
For example, when I moved in the fridge died about a year in. I told my landlord and he sent me the name and number of a repair place. I told him that’s nice, but it’s not my fridge and I’m not going to call anyone for it. That’s his job. That’s why I’m paying him. That’s why I’m calling him.
I’ve got other things to do. He owns it, he deals with it.
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Sorry, unfortunately I live in the real world and don’t have an extra few hundred laying around for an unexpected new fridge. And no, owning my own home would not give me that extra money. Because, again, I live in the real world.
What real world exists where paying a massive % of your income to a landlord is cheaper than doing those things yourself???
Getting a fridge fixed is a fraction of what rents cost basically everywhere anymore. i could get a really nice new fridge for less than my monthly rent.
And remember they tried to pawn it off on you in the first place. They’re parasites. They need to go. Que the quote about the Maoist uprisings against the landlords.
When’s the last time you bought a new refrigerator? A cheap one is at least half my rent.
What’s your living situation? There’s a couple extremely bad takes from people in this thread about other people’s situations.