Haven’t the other vendors already removed theirs from consumer use?
I know it’s still available for commercial use, as there are SCADA systems still using Verizon and other CDMA 2G.
Any cars stuck on 2G for their telemetry?
It’s possible, but I would not know for sure.
The article does not say for sure but it mentions some cars lost connection when 3G was stopped. Funny that 3 happened before 2 for them.
3g had a lot more channels they could repurpose for 4g/5g. They’re only running 2g on a single channel so there wasn’t a big reason to shut it down. At least with t Mobile anyway
that makes sense. May have cost more to end than any value it gets them.
Most older home alarms are.
Thank god only the higher Gs remain to give Karen cancer.
: /
Does this open up bandwidth?
answering my own question:
"The 2G shutdown isn’t entirely a cost-cutting measure. T-Mobile will likely use the bandwidth and frequencies currently dedicated to 2G for improving LTE and 5G coverage, as it did when shutting down its 3G network and Sprint’s old infrastructure. The company is currently using Band 2 (1900 Mhz) for both 2G and 4G LTE. "
Technically, yes, if you consider something like 500 kilohertz to be more bandwidth. 2G required very narrow bandwidth and has been running on absolutely bare bones minimal bandwidth for years. So it’s not going to bring anything substantial. That’s for sure.
More coverage, 5g low band.
The bandwidth comes from midband, and in cities mmwave.
Bout damn time. Ive had to disable it on my phone for months now ever since reading how hackers are uzing it to spoof the isps li k pages and make you think your connection is secure enough that your login/pssses that you type can be logged and copied