A classic and influential beat 'em up, Final Fight, was released in 1989 with massive success. Now, UDON Entertainment has launched a comic mini-series retelling the story of the first game.

  • Storyline The plot follows Mike Haggar finding his daughter kidnapped by Mad Gear and enlisting Cody and Guy to rescue her, leading to a mission to take down the gang in Metro City using fists, feet, and wrestling moves.

  • Comic Details The first issue is out, with four planned. It closely mimics the look and feel of the original game while adding more detail and artistic interpretation.

  • Variants Featuring numerous covers including direct homages to classic Final Fight screens and action movie posters from the '80s, like Streets of Fire.

  • UDON’s Store You can pick up the comic directly from UDON’s store.

What aspects of the original game do you hope the Final Fight comic series retains most accurately?