No “Zero-Shot” Without Exponential Data: Pretraining Concept Frequency Determines Multimodal Model Performance
I’m not going to pretend that I can understand the minutiae as someone who basically just has an undergrad degree in IT, but it seems to be implying that exponential data is required for further advancements in generative AI.
A cool paper and all, but I can’t stop thinking about how this shit won’t matter at all to C suites and MBAs who just want to AUTOMATE AUTOMATE AUTOMATE everything under the sun. Reminds me of how the experts in whatever specialized field research a problem and business people just throw away the results and make up their own (i.e. marketing).
The conversation should have always been “Yeah your job will eventually become automated, but it’s not for the reason you think.”
Will be very interesting to see how the next few years play out
this one?
where zero-shot learning means:
so yeah, i agree, the paper is saying these models aren’t capable of creating/using human-understandable concepts without gobs and gobs of training data, and if you try to take human supervision of those categories out of the process, then you need even more gobs and gobs of training data. edge cases and novel categories tend to spin off useless bullshit from these things.
because actual knowledge generation is a social process that these machines aren’t really participants in.
but there’s some speculation that the recent stock market downturn affecting tech stocks especially may be related to the capitalist class figuring out that these things aren’t actually magical knowledge-worker replacement devices and won’t let them make the line go up forever and ever amen. so even if the suits don’t really digest the contents of this paper, they’ll figure out the relevant parts reventually.