X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, said today that it’s ending operations in Brazil, although the service will remain available to users in the country. The announcement comes during a legal battle with Brazil’s Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, who sought to block certain accounts on X as part of an […]
Good, now do the United States next! That’ll show 'em libruls!
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Not a surprise unfortunately. Brazil has historical has issues with government abuse of power. I’m sure Xitter doesn’t want to deal with it.
The “abuse of power” was telling Xitter to remove illegal content. The thing they’re supposed to remove in the first place
Illegal content can be anything though. It is hard to make any judgment without knowing what it was
Accounts that were spreading fake news and harassment. Those things are crimes. There were investigations and legal proceedings.
Still vague. Fake news can be anything that the current government doesn’t like
If only there was a system in which legal matters like these were decided. Maybe one where the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders.
More like Elon ego was hurt, so he’s retaliating the only way he knows how.
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I doubt it in this case. Somehow I don’t think Xitter wants to deal with the Brazilian government
They do prefer to live in their imaginary bubble, but that’s not how life works. He has no issue with being government’s bitch when it suits him, but when his ego is attacked, you are enemy #1.
Unlike countries like Turkey, that have never been shown to abuse their power.