no need to write an essay or anything

some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don’t know what’s serious and what’s irony

  • Egon [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I wouldn’t she’d a tear if Trump tripped and broke his neck, or if he finally got devoured by his son Bannon or someone Merced him, but if I am to answer who I think would lead to the best situation globally between Trump and Biden, I’d pick trump any day. The man is incredibly incompetent and isolationist. Couldn’t even coup Venezuela.

      • Egon [they/them]
        1 year ago

        I don’t think that South America is seeing leftism bloom because of Trump, I think they’re seeing it because of the work of south Americans. I think the south Americans work was easier under Trump - As you yourself said “the decline of Empire”. He was much worse at administering the American empire, which accelerated it’s collapse.

        Trump killing Soleimani was wrong and I don’t think I’ve at any point said anything to the contrary? It was also something that wasn’t widely supported, which fucked up soft power further. The war didn’t escalate because of Iran, and Iran was able to keep tensions low because Trump was an incompetent buffoon incapable of whipping the rest of the west and the media in line.