Just posting my list of filter words on here in case anyone else wants to make their feed politics-free
Biden, District, EU, alt-right, democrat, democrats, desantis, elections, far right, far-right, federal, gop, Jan, maga, nomination, representatives, republican, republicans, senate, senator, trump
It’s quite refreshing.
I dipped out of r/politics on Reddit because over the past few years the general trend there has been:
Reliable news outlet posts article > Partisan clickbait site posts their incendiary “take” on the article > Redditors post their hot takes based on misleading clickbait title without reading either article
There’s just no value to reading hot takes from uninformed teenagers seeking only to validate and amplify their worldviews based on clickbait titles alone. It’s important to stay informed, but there’s such a diminishing return for getting news from a subreddit vs. a legitimate news outlet, and it’s definitely not worth the mental health hit. And I don’t think it’s a Reddit-exclusive thing. Personally I’d rather stick to reading news from the sources, and keep my social media focused on other things.