Just finished maxing out my Railjack Build and recalled that it at least appeared to be that Railjack was an underappreciated game mode.

So, does anyone like it now? How’ve you built your railjack? Do you use Lavos when doing Railjack or manufacture energy as-needed?

  • NuXCOM_90Percent
    6 months ago

    Railjack itself is fun.

    Railjack in pubs is hell on earth. Because you can never be sure when it is safe to “abort mission” so you basically need to rush to Nav to go back to dojo after every single mission. Which often includes at least one person who wants to do another one and doesn’t realize WHY you go back to dojo during pubs. Also, when there is a Nightwave for it, you have the hosts who just leave party the moment the objectives are done which has like a 70% chance of putting the rest of the party into a nav-less railjack where they just have to quit out and lose all the rewards.

    Also, we are at the mercy of the host’s railjack. It has gotten better but you still get the occasional “meta” railjack where only the pilot seat has good guns and everyone else needs to just get in their archwings or do endless repairs and forging because the guns are worthless.

    Which… basically makes it the worst of all worlds in Warframe

    • We have the host migration issues but they are almost guaranteed rather than occasional
    • We have the annoying delay between runs common to the open worlds
    • Much like Spy, a bad matchmaking guarantees a loss or a miserable time

    Which is why I suspect that Railjack will always remain a thing that is there for story quest sequences and not much else.