Shinji Mikami, the visionary behind Resident Evil and other iconic video games, has expressed his desire to revisit a game that inspired his legendary series. In an interview with Eurogamer at Gamescom, Mikami mentioned Sweet Home, a 1989 Famicom title directed by his mentor Tokuro Fujiwara, as the game he’d like to remake. Though not involved in its creation, Sweet Home played a pivotal role in shaping Resident Evil’s development.

Key Points:

  • Shinji Mikami would like to remake Sweet Home, influenced by Tokuro Fujiwara’s work and the inspiration behind Resident Evil.
  • Licensing issues and the current project portfolio of Kamuy Inc., Mikami’s own company, pose obstacles to the potential remake.

Would a modern remaster of Sweet Home with contemporary graphics and gameplay improvements be worth revisiting for fans, or should it remain a nostalgic gem from the Famicom era?

    13 days ago

    Remake it but don’t change the genre at all. Exact same screens types, camera angles, layouts. Don’t let it become another 3D horror game. Could do a lot with those limitations.