The judge overseeing Donald J. Trump’s criminal case in Manhattan postponed his sentencing until after Election Day, a significant victory for the former president as he seeks to overturn his conviction and win back the White House.

In a ruling on Friday, the judge, Juan M. Merchan, rescheduled the sentencing for Nov. 26. He had previously planned to hand down Mr. Trump’s punishment on Sept. 18, just seven weeks before Election Day, when Mr. Trump will face off against Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency.

While the decision will avert a courtroom spectacle in the campaign’s final stretch, the delay itself could still affect the election, keeping voters in the dark about whether the Republican presidential nominee will eventually spend time behind bars.


    6 months ago

    It doesn’t keep the voters in the dark about anything. It further cements the fact that nobody with any power to do so is willing to actually hold Trump accountable for the many crimes he has committed. It has been 4 fucking years since he has been president and 8 fucking years since this specific crime was committed. They should have sentenced him immediately after conviction like any normal convicted criminal. I guarantee if he gets elected he won’t get sentenced, so why postpone sentencing?