Any thoughts? Sucks if true.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Anabaptists and JWs are both extremist Christians. Methodists don’t do that shit. There isn’t a mainstream branch of Scientology where you don’t have to cut off contact with your kid because they found another religion or decided to just be an atheist, or came out as LGBT.

    Zionism isn’t a religion, it’s a white supremacist settler colonial ideology.

    You’re not arguing in good faith if, when I point out that many religions have extremist offshoots but are not themselves, inherently, radical and dangerous, you start pointing out instances of radical offshoots of religions. It comes off like reddit new atheism shit.

    You want to say that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc overall are just as dangerous as Scientology but it’s just obviously untrue and kind of bigoted.