Also this is basically Russian Patsoc // Nazbol-Lite // Strasser-Lite and by popular vote this should be on SReactionariesS instead of SUltrasS

    19 days ago

    We’re back to the old problem again, however. CPRF’s reactionary sexual politics is used to legitimize NATO passive-aggression, when they toe the UR line as much as needed to maintain electoral support and infiltrate the Russian state apparatus.

    As I’ve shown with Hamas and the Palestinians, Zionists use the traditional or reactionary politics of Palestinian independence organizations to delegitimize them.

    To put it another way, the Orthodox Church was not abolished in the Soviet Union, and the Chinese did not put out foreign religions when they had revolutionary success.

    Critical support is not the same as either uncritical support or opposition: we are not opposing Hamas or CPRF based on their traditionalist gender and sexual attitudes, even if we oppose their traditionalist gender and sexual attitudes.

    If you cannot critically support revolutionary movements, then you cannot be a Marxist, but instead a neo-conservative, because NATO raping your country is the fastest way to get feminist and LGBTQIA+ policies enacted.