That building burning down would be a net reduction of carbon waste compared to it remaining in operation to continually tickle divorce dads with prompted text.
knowing musk’s style, the building is poorly-ventilated and primarily made of heavy heat-conducting metal and the escapes are in inaccessible places with impossibly-complicated and finnicky mechanisms to open them and every last person would end up perishing even though everyone was aware of the fire 45 minutes ahead of time.
a building crying out for a structure fire
That building burning down would be a net reduction of carbon waste compared to it remaining in operation to continually tickle divorce dads with prompted text.
knowing musk’s style, the building is poorly-ventilated and primarily made of heavy heat-conducting metal and the escapes are in inaccessible places with impossibly-complicated and finnicky mechanisms to open them and every last person would end up perishing even though everyone was aware of the fire 45 minutes ahead of time.