If you like podcasts and cyberpunk then I think the HTLL podcast is pretty enjoyable. It’s just two guys re-watching/re-reading various cyberpunk works and then cracking open some beers and discussing it. They aren’t experts and don’t provide any real new insight, they just talk about what they liked and didn’t like. Also, they’ll recap the plot as part of their discussion so you don’t need to have seen/read the works recently.

As someone who doesn’t have anyone in real life that cares about cyberpunk, it’s nice listening to a couple friends just informally chatting about the genre. And as far as a cyberpunk podcast goes, I’m not sure what else I’d want. Plus, it’s fun listening to them trying to make sense of the plot of various terrible cyberpunk movies from the 90s.

You can listen to it anywhere that hosts podcasts, but I’m linking to their linktree here as a simple starting point.