So firstly, I don’t sweat a lot to begin with. I’ll go for a run and I’ll be at a mile before I feel sweat beading up. I’ll get a little clammy throughout the day, but rarely have whole body sweats. As a result, I have very low body odor. If I don’t shower, it’ll take several days before my significant other will notice.

But I don’t wear deoderant or antiperspirant. If I do, then its like the rest of my body decides it needs to sweat. Anyone else out there with this experience?

    10 months ago

    I’ve found that when using deodorants with aluminum, my body basically builds up a tolerance to them and compensates by sweating more. The more I would apply, the more my pits would sweat. I’ve switched to deodorants with magnesium instead and that has helped me a lot!