@[email protected]https://agora.echelon.pl/objects/19d58734-3524-4d8e-b328-29c74b112edc

I don’t know what Pope Francis is playing, but it’s not any “interpretation”, as Vatican claims, it’s literally what he said (quote from the article):

Do not forget your heritage. You are heirs of the great Russia - the great Russia of saints, of kings, the great Russia of Peter the Great, Catherine II, the great, educated Russian Empire of so much culture, of so much humanity. Never give up this heritage.

This part is missing in the article:

You are heirs of the great Mother Russia, go forward with this and thank you, thank you for your way of being, for your way of being Russians.

Vatican clarification, which doesn’t really clarify anything:

According to some interpretations, Pope Francis might have encouraged young Russian Catholics to draw inspiration from historical Russian figures known for imperialistic and expansionist ideas and actions that negatively impacted neighboring populations, including the Ukrainian people," the Vatican nunciature said in a statement. The Vatican “firmly rejects the aforementioned interpretations, as Pope Francis has never endorsed imperialistic notions. On the contrary, he is a staunch opponent and critic of any form of imperialism or colonialism across all peoples and situations.”
