Thinking of starting a personal project to keep busy. I’m very good with databases and SQL but interested in branching out to more full-stack

I’m thinking Supabase, Sveltekit and Svelte

What would you all use?

    2 years ago

    Personally, Dioxus for the front end. Integrate the matrix-rust-sdk and the Lemmy rust client library into it.

    Host it off of IPFS, with a https gateway, and allow it to point to multiple backends. The simplest being picking a single instance and sticking to it, but potentially also in read-only load balancing (hit the lemmy api across multiple servers just for content) and writing as multi-user (write to servers based on availability of the server and connected user creds).

    With the design goal being: Lowest capital, full support for web 3 social media.

    After that MVP though, adding support for peertube would be a great addition, and really round out fediverse support. Again with the goal of reduced capital cost.

    If you wanted to get really wild, support email, RSS, IPFS, bittorrent, peertube or Nostr from the client, and you can make an “everything app” using only open protocols and support for federated or p2p networks.