I really can’t decide; there’s some built in momentum because OMG MY CHILDHOOD among zoomers and such but it also feels bleak and deflated and is chasing a weary gimmick.
I really can’t decide; there’s some built in momentum because OMG MY CHILDHOOD among zoomers and such but it also feels bleak and deflated and is chasing a weary gimmick.
I never played past the second game because it has a happy ending where isaac gets away safe with his new friend :)
if i was a gaming youtuber i would play every game including like the mobile games and the wii rail shooter and do a video called STRATEGIC DISMEMBERMENT & HAUNTOLOGY: A Dead Space Deep Dive Series Retrospective and it’s 3 hours long, but i’m not that cool
That’s probably for the best.
The lack of a jump scare at the ending, to contrast with the first game, actually made the moment perfect, too.
That ending is one of the few times I’ve laughed at a horror game because the developers meant it to be funny and not 'cos’ve, like, an attempted scare that didn’t work or something.
Third game is pretty meh anyway, and publisher interference was enough for me to consider it less genuine than the first two installments.