• i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    So based on his data, wouldn’t the increase in lgbt precentage of population over time seem to indicate that sexual orientation is indeed a product of environment/learning rather than biological?

    To my thinking, if it were strictly a biological condition, then it is either inherited or something happening in very early development. Since LGBT couples don’t typically pass their genes on (many adopt, trans MTF are incapable post-op. So that leaves surrogates and in vetro for lesbians and FTM)… So after the numbers reach their “true” ratios (according to them anyway bc I’m sure they’d claim some folks are still coming out of the closet), then we would see at best a plateau effect in lgbt rates and more likely a decline, assuming an inherited trait. That only leaves…

    Otherwise, if being lgbt is not inheritable and they are saying it is NOT a learned condition, then it would be fair to refer to lgbt as a birth defect, right?
