For those who don’t know about the Attack Helicopter Story saga: Neon Yang and NK Jemisin harassed the writer Isabel Fall (a trans woman) for writing a queer mech story.

And harassment really dosen’t do it justice becuase Fall was hospitalized for severe depression, and from what I’ve read has stopped their transition. Primarily becuase of intense gender disphoria brought on by Yang, Jemisin and their cretinous followers saying Fall must be a cis-man for writing this story. They didn’t even read it, they just didn’t like the title and invented a bizzare conspiracy theory that claimed Fall was a neo-nazi. Afterwards both of them gave a really shitty WhatApp apology and moved on with their lives, so much so that apparently Yang now has the gall to do this shit.

  • Imbeggingyoutoread [any]
    3 years ago

    This story still enrages me so much. Fall’s story was astoundingly good; a blend of radical politics and queer expression in a hard SF shell that you rarely see. She was literally one of the queer pioneers into a side of the genre that had been frequently hostile to queerness. She should have won a Hugo and a Nebula for it.

    I’ll never read Jemisin again after the shit she pulled, I regret every dollar ever spent on her books. What a monstrous cruelty that, which the particularly angry part of me can’t help but fixate on, cut down what could have been a NAME in the field. Utter disgust for these fuckers.