Police decide who ingested exactly which drugs based on a 12-step collection of clues gathered by staring into suspects’ eyes, pinching their muscles, taking their blood pressure and watching closely how they walk and talk and balance.
I think I finally understand, this takes some time for me sometimes. I got lit up by what seems like you had no understanding of alcohol tolerance by saying it’s all dose vs body weight. Since alcohol tolerance was a big part of my life I weighed in as expert counsel.
I’m quite skilled at evading mandatory drug tests if you’d like any tips should you need work here.
I think I finally understand, this takes some time for me sometimes. I got lit up by what seems like you had no understanding of alcohol tolerance by saying it’s all dose vs body weight. Since alcohol tolerance was a big part of my life I weighed in as expert counsel.
I’m quite skilled at evading mandatory drug tests if you’d like any tips should you need work here.