Kind of just felt like sparking a discussion thread and thought this might be an interesting one.

For me personally, one of, if not, my most controversial takes is that I will associate with anyone. Regardless of their opinions of if I personally find their opinions to be disgusting or revolting. I will give anyone respect who gives me respect.

Another one which I’ve expressed here before is that I do not think someone simply being a pedophile automatically makes them a pure evil child abuser who can’t help but rape every child that they see. And that some people can have this affliction and not actively seek out abusive content or attempt abusive actions.

My opinions on loli/shota/cub are also fairly controversial, but I imagine those are mostly shared by the majority of people here.

That should probably get us started pretty good!

So, What’s a controversial take that you have that most people would disagree with?

Feel free to have peaceful discussions about other people’s responses.

    1 year ago

    You beat me on two of them, Disa

    +There’s a difference between an active pedophile going around raping kids, and someone who’s sexually attracted to minors but knows it’s fucked up and doesn’t do that. Buddy of mine’s in that situation (well, with animals instead of kids) and hates himself for it. It’s not his fault his brain’s wired that way.

    +Loli/Shota are harmless and are just drawings at the end of the day. Liking them doesn’t make you a bad person nor a pedo (and if it does, I guess a lotta FPS players are gonna go to jail for manslaughter). More people really need to distinguish between reality and fiction, is all I’m saying.

    But now for my totally original controversial take (it’s never been done before, promise):

    +Cereal and Milk is fucking gross. (Yes, I eat it DRY). Actually, no, plain milk by itself is just disgusting…especially warm.

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      100% agreed, people can’t control how they are wired, they can only control their responses/actions to said wiring. It also doesn’t help that there’s well, no place these individuals can get help without having their whole life immediately ruined. Which makes it basically something they have to deal with alone. I have no doubt that causes a lot of people with these afflictions to become radicalized by finding communities which are not exactly anti-abuse.

      The thing that makes no sense to me are the people who say that loli/shota/cub is somehow different than video games. They’ll go and use the exact arguments used against video games and use them against loli/shota/cub. And defend video games by using the exact logic that, if applied fairly, would also apply as defenses for loli/shota/cub. The individuals who do this seem to stop there and if you go and try to ask them why it’s different and why those arguments somehow work (or don’t work) against the thing they like, but somehow are different when applied to loli/shota/cub. In the end it usually gets boiled down to “I like this thing, whereas this other thing makes me uncomfortable.”

      I don’t think i’ve ever heard of anyone eating cereal dry, is it good? Is it like eating chips, or like popcorn? Do you still use a spoon?