I saw the whole thing as an absolute joke, but they’re treating it like it was an actual terrorist strike or something. “An AtTaCk On DeMoCrAcY”, fuck off, it was some people wandering inside the Capitol because the cops let them in. I think like two people died and one of them was a cop, one of them was the taser balls guy.
Remember when they wanted to make some cop Time’s person of the year for being there on Jan 6th? lol.
January 6th was one the best days of my life. It was really really funny. My enemies fought my enemies, people wore silly costumes. As far as I’m concerned corned the worst part about it is once again liberals not knowing a good time when they see one. I was a covid welfare queen at the time and it kinda kicked ass to be Canadian, i had also found out anyone on covid assistance who started a ‘small business’ could also get like ten grand in grant money so I started an easy store literally selling twigs and rocks I found in the woods, faked some sales by having friends ‘buy’ this bullshit and give em the money back later. I was having an amazing day. My roommate even scored genuinely good crack a travelling kid from out west had brought as a bargaining chip to crash on our coach. Getting ripped and seeing the funniest thing ever happen on the news ever being taken as serious was just awesome.
Real galaxy brain take.
Like anything to do with Trump that liberals have an undying hysteria for, it wasn’t really a big deal when you consider the status quo. These people are so fucking cooked when climate crisis starts being theor problem. You can’t be so weak willed and delicate. It’s a pathetic affectation for a warlord first of all, and also for the radlibs who’ve taken up being pathetic as political virtue, that’s passing the buck. Your a boomer but worse cause it’s your own future. I’m begging for anything left of literal nazis to show any spine at all. It’s sad. We’ve got the worst example of capitalist democracy right in front of us and there somehow isn’t a single person who isn’t too needle dicked to st least be what Bernie pretended to be? If that’s what’s on the bus I’d rather fucking walk.