• ArxCyberwolf@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    This is why I have such a problem with the single-issue “but genocide” voters. They’re so blinded by a decades-long conflict across the ocean that is far more complex than they could possibly fathom, that they’re willing to sacrifice the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans at home. How priveleged must one be to think Trump’s policies won’t affect them, their families or friends? How many American lives are they willing to put on the line so they can feel good about themselves for “not engaging in genocide” while ignoring the very real one about to happen on American soil?

    We’ve seen how destructive Trump’s last term was, especially regarding Covid. Why the hell would they risk another four years of that, on top of the worse things Trump promises to do to anyone who protests or disagrees with? Do the lives of women, people of colour, LGBTQ, veterans and the elderly not matter to these people? How many American lives are they willing to sacrifice to feel better about themselves?

    I’m so tired of people being so short sighted that they’re willing to throw everybody under the bus over a single issue. Yeah, genocide is horrible. But it isn’t going to end on Tuesday, nor will it end years from now no matter who you vote for. The least one can do is prevent the literal fucking fascist from taking office who would guarantee that not only Palestinian lives will be lost, but so many Americans as well.

    • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      When it comes to leadership who view an ongoing genocide overseas with blase tacit complicity, we are indeed damned if we do AND damned if we don’t.

      If we are to be damned no matter what we do, though, it then becomes a question of what qualities our inevitable damnation should possess.

      Shall we be damned with bog standard milquetoast business as usual liberalism that doesn’t do enough to actually help anything get better and continues to naively play nice with the predators, parasites, and scavengers of the big business elite class?


      Shall we be damned with concentration camps on American soil rounding up anyone the republican party deems to be “undesirable” and “making them go away” (any american who uses their free speech “the wrong way” being labeled a domestic terrorist ‘enemy alien’, nevermind the economy tanking, women being held hostage by their uteri and dying frequent preventable maternal deaths because a stillborn fetus is valued more highly than her life, prices soaring due to tariffs making imported goods nonviable, etc) ON TOP OF all the shit that’s wrong with liberalism with regard to big business pandering (except only the businesses owned by republican-party-approved individuals)?

      the idea that people can’t tell the difference makes my fucking blood boil